Interactive Online Game Project 網上互動遊戲計劃
Funded by
Hong Kong Arts Development Council (HKADC) - Arts Go Digital 香港藝術發展局 - 藝術數碼平台計劃
Hong Kong | 2021 | Role-playing Game(RPG) 
Director: LEUNG Kin-Pong
Executive Producer: WONG Wan-Sze
Screenwriter: LEUNG Kin-Pong, WONG Wan-Sze
Art Director: LAM Ming-Fai
Programmer: Firedog Studio

“CHOICE” is an interactive online role-playing game (RPG) that invites players to take on the role of school children from low-income families and make situational choices accordingly. By confronting the various scenarios, the player is also encouraged to reflect upon issues relating to one’s material and non-material values. Through the active engagement in the game, it is hoped that the public will come to a better understanding of the problems faced by the protagonists and empathize with this severely neglected group of Hong Kong – a phenomenon resulting from the serious disparity between the rich and the poor in this advanced and affluent cosmopolitan city.

「CHOICE」是一款互動線上角色扮演遊戲 (RPG),讓玩家代入低收入家庭學童的角色,對日常生活處境作出種種抉擇,透過遊戲展開現實與心靈之旅。我們希望藉「CHOICE」遊戲中的故事,令外界更為體會低收入家庭的學童現況,從而對貧富懸殊嚴重的香港社會中,經常被忽視的弱勢群體產生同理心。
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