Director/ Producer/ Screenwriter 導演/ 監製/ 編劇
Writer-director Wong Wan-sze is a Hong Kong film director and producer. She graduated from the Hong Kong Academy for Performing Arts. She is the alumni of HAF Film Lab, the Fantastic Film School 2021 (Bucheon International Fantastic Film Festival) and the mm2 Movie Makers Awards Finalist 2020 etc.

She has directed and produced documentaries, short dramas and TV series for Radio Television Hong Kong (RTHK). She has been focusing on the topic of domestic and social violence for many years. Her short films included
Beloved Storage (2018) , Mommies (2021),  and the latest short Naughty Daughters (2024). Her debut feature film, Love to Bits, was selected as a film project by the 19th Hong Kong - Asia Film Financing Forum (HAF 2021).

She has curated and produced TV productions including TV dramas and documentaries, such as
A Dream to be Chinese Conductor (2017) and The Last Love Poem: TSAI Yim-pui (2018). Her first TV drama Alpha Maria (2019), produced by RTHK, was the first Hong Kong TV drama to feature a transgender actor in the lead role and was chosen as Hong Kong’s representative at Best of INternational PUblic Television Screening Conference (INPUT) 2020. Her latest written and produced feature film Semi has been selected for the Eye Catcher International Pitching Forum 2023 and 60th Taipei Golden Horse FPP (WIP Projects).

王韻詩,香港電影導演、製作人,為香港演藝學院電影電視學院榮譽學士,先後入選香港亞洲電影投資會Film Lab、韓國富川國際奇幻電影學院、mm2新晉導演計劃等。

曾監製及編導由香港電台出品的紀錄片、劇情短片和影集。作品長年關注家庭和社會中流動的暴力,短片包括香港電台「獅子山下」單元劇《無愛之愛》(2018)、鮮浪潮入選作品《愛的輪候碼》(2021)等,及最新短片《話女有話》(2024)。其首部劇情長片《愛的暴育》入選第19屆香港亞洲電影投資會(HAF)電影計劃項目(HAF 2021)。

「華人作家II」系列 「中國故事II」系列。首部監製與編導的影集《萬輻瑪利亞》(2019) ,首次由跨性別演員擔任香港電視劇主演,於 2020 年成為唯一代表香港區電視台參加 INPUT 世界公視大展。最新編劇及監製由香港藝術發展局資助電影《半熟時光》,先後入選奪目影像國際提案大會 2023, 及金馬創投會議「製作中項目」2023。

Filmography 導演作品
2007   Love Murmur《或許關於愛的事情都不是你自以為》
2006  《戀戀》
2005   Katrina《花都譜》
